Polaris Snowmobiles

77% of Americans suffer from the winter blues.  They must not be snowmobiling

(Spec work)

To keep life exciting, people must deviate from their mundane winter schedules. 

Polaris will lead them on a different path this winter by catching their attention.


The eye-catching street mural will direct users to the @polarissnow Instagram page.

Equally eye-catching Instagram posts will reveal how Polaris can bring their winter to life.

Cost and availability are the largest reasons why many people never experience snowmobiling.  Pairing with Airbnb can help change that.


Users rent the airbnb for 3 days.

Polaris will provide transportation, snowmobiles and equipment (and an expert instructor for newbies)


Each snowmobile will be equipped with a GoPro to capture footage.

Content from these videos will be uploaded daily to the Polaris Snowmobiling Instagram story to give live feed to those just noticing the murals.
